
The Bragging Board
By admin
The Bragging Board – Do you find it difficult to recognise when your team excels? Annual appraisals don’t cut it! That’s the truth! Acknowledging a member of the team for the hard work they put in once a year, during an annual appraisal is not sufficient. Practice owners are not to blame, unfortunately,
June 7, 2017 |
bragging board | business | dental | dentist | dentistry | hassan mushaid | leader | leadership | management | practice manager | team

Download – Quarterly Appraisal Form
By admin
Do you know what the biggest reason is for team members leaving your business? No, it’s not pay, its appreciation. Business owners don’t forget to pay their tax’s, pay their staff or pay their invoices but they do frequently forget to pay respect to their team and boy, it’s the worth things you should be forgetting, There’s