Feedback From a Dentist Straight Out of VT
From the very first time I met Hassan prior to beginning work with him, he struck me as a very focussed and motivated gentleman.
After starting work this became more apparant. I was never in any doubt that Hassan could provide me with the answers to any questions I had regarding Dentistry, and more often from a motivational and marketing point of view.
Being a young associate this gave me many idea’s and that is what I feel Hassan does best. He can take any concern you have and flip this concern into a positive and meaningful talk.
Hassan really helped in my development through my initial months and helped build my confidence with the day to day elements of Dentistry. He instilled in me the confidence to charge certain fee’s and to lose the fear in ‘overcharging’. This has helped me tremendously in maximising my private potential.
Hassan’s insight into the patient’s mentality is incredible and more often then not, he would be 100% correct.
Aside from all of this, Hassan is a good man and a fantastic mentor.
Dr Omar Ali BDS (GDC 251368)