360 Pragmatic Business Development

The Healthcare sector is a high octane and truly demanding daily regimen that healthcare professionals experience day in and day out. Thus the need for an all-encompassing Consultant that is proactively involved in every dynamic, spectrum and facet of the business is all the more crucial.

This imperative necessity for connectivity, involvement, and unflinching accountability paved the way for The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan (PBD).

The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan, as the name showcases, covers a wide array of angles and areas. It consists of 5 key growth stages that help Hassan and his team to deliver a customised, individualised and truly bespoke marketing plan to his clients, whilst working with a distinct deadline and target parameters to deliver long-term profitable results.

These 6 key growth stages are:

1- Research & Interviews

2- Non-Linear JVP Research

3- Implementation of Systems

4- Team & Individual Training/Mentoring

5- Online & Offline Strategic Marketing

6- Cultivating Long-Term Winning Culture

360 PBD Plan


The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan is only available to 12 clients per year. Regardless of the demand and lucrative deals on hand, Hassan makes it a point to not exceed 12 clients per year. This enables him to deliver profound value and prodigious results with effective utilisation of time, skill, creative effort, energy and an absolute hands-on approach that induces double-profits!


Your healthcare business must have 2 years trading experience.

You must be willing and open to change. We do charge a £100 real person refundable deposit for the initial consultation. We are not concerned about your deposit, it is designed to filter out business owners that are NOT serious. 

You MUST follow directions. After all, if you don’t actually implement the systems, training, and strategies we provide you, neither your healthcare business or ours will make money.


Double-profits entail the doubling of private profits for a healthcare business within a 12timeframetime frame; harnessing a whopping 100%, in some cases 200% increase in private healthcare revenue for professions such as Dentists, Optometrists, Physiotherapists, Psychotherapists, Vets and much more.

What The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan Clients are Saying

Here is what The Creative Composite’s 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan clients think of the program:


Unravel. Embrace. Empower

The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan

Contact today and learn how The 360 Pragmatic Business Development Plan can help your healthcare business in more ways than one!

>> Sign up for the 2017/2018 intake while spots last! <<<

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