Feedback From A Dental Hygiene Therapist
Hassan has played a vital role during my time working with him.
From getting to know the team through team building exercises to developing the business via product/service promotion Hassan has helped to further my self not only as a clinician but also as an individual.
My first encounter with Hassan was during training sessions where he went through all the different treatments thebusiness had to offer including the patient-dental membership. Hassan made things easy to understand, explaining both patient expectations of the dental team/company to the business aspect.
An example of this was when Hassan went through patient ‘healthy smile profile’, he explained its purpose and how to use this tool to improve patient dental care.Hassan was also actively involved in creating the Hygiene treatment menu for the company which proved to be a useful promotional tool for treatment and also helped to create oral hygiene advice pamphlets to reinforce information and to further patient experience with the company.
Overall I would say Hassan has been not only a great mentor but also a friend during my time. Providing support and advice on a regular basis, always keen to make sure every member of the team are working to their best potential.
Nuri Alam – Dental Hygiene Therapist
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